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With water privatization becoming a daily headline, it’s essential to step up and keep resources out of the hands of private (corporate) interests. I’ve been working with the word “commonwealth” lately as an overarching concept to hopefully remind people that we must fight for the benefit of all creatures.

This graphic is part of the Wellspring portfolio.


A plethora of rain drops falling down, in pink and dark purple, and in varying sizes. The water drops have reflections. In the center, the word “Commonwealth” in pink.

More by Pete Railand

Posts by Pete Railand

A Time of Expectant Hopes

A Time of Expectant Hopes

October 24, 2019

“A Time of Expectant Hopes,” a collaboration between Pete Railand and Jenna Valoe, including works inspired by 19th century union banners, suffragist banners, and modern day activist banners. Opening Friday…