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El Salvador Solidarity Poster


At the Justseeds retreat last weekend we discussed the importance of our website providing readers with resources/graphics/downloadable posters on current issues/struggles/etc. We will be working diligently through the next year to expand the website to include more of these kinds of resources.
To get things started I will be sharing my newest design celebrating the persistence of organizing in El Salvador through one of a few important organizations there-the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front(FMLN). Though I have many questions about whether an electoral strategy can bring about true transformational change I agree with Roberto Lovato who has noted that they “had ended more than 130 years of oligarchy and military rule over this tiny Central American nation of 7 million.”
Download FMLN Poster file here


A red and white montage of people smiling and celebrating, with hand raised in the air with the “V” for victory, or peace, sign. Others hold a giant FMLN flag. Text above and below states in Spanish, “Farabundo Presente! Que viva el FMLN! Que viva el pueblo Salvadoreño!”

Reflections of Healing

Reflections of Healing

September 28, 2014

Join me at the Oakland Museum of California for the public unveiling of Reflections of Healing, a large-scale art installation created by artist and educator Brett Cook with participation from…