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Artist Talk at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts

November 10, 2011


This coming weekend we will be visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico with a few presentations and workshops. These are in conjunction with the “Counting Coup” exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Native Art. The poster above was designed for the workshops in Santa Fe at the MOCNA and SFAI this weekend. I wanted to design something about local issues and was told about the campaign to shut down PNM’s coal powered plant.
Just a couple facts:
PNM’s San Juan coal plant uses 9.3 billion gallons of clean fresh water every year and produces that much toxic water which then contaminates our air, soil and streams.
PNM fights all progressive legislation and regulation (carbon pollution reduction rule, renewable portfolio standard – they wanted to cut it in half during the last legislature, while many other states are moving in the opposite direction – to increase the renewable requirements.)

Artist Lecture and Workshop In conjunction with MoCNA’s exhibition
Jesus Barraza: The History and Future Xican@ Political Graphics
MoCNA Boardroom
Saturday, November 12, 2011 | 2-3pm
Political Poster Workshop with Jesus Barraza:
Seeds of Liberation:
Screenprinting poster presentation and hands-on workshop.
@ Institute of American Indian Arts Campus – Printmaking Studio
Monday, November 14 – 2-5pm
Jesus Barraza will conduct a hands-on screenprinting workshop for up to 20 participants with an introduction to the basics of screen-printing. Jesus will create a poster design for the workshop that will focus on local issues. The workshop will also include a slide presentation of prints and posters Jesus has created and art that he’s printed with other artists, including his partner Melanie Cervantes.
To sign up for the workshop, send you name, phone number and email address to: SORRY WORKSHOP IS FULL


Posts by Jesus Barraza