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Call for T-Shirt Designs

March 26, 2010


Our friends over at Liberation Ink have a contest running to get and print great designs for US Social Forum t-shirts for Detroit. Here’s the call:

Have you ever dreamed of seeing one of your designs on a Liberation Ink t-shirt? This could be your chance. For the first time ever, Liberation Ink is holding an open t-shirt design contest. We’re inspired by the upcoming 2010 US Social Forum in Detroit, and we hope you are, too. More than 15,000 social justice organizers, activists, workers, and teachers are expected to converge in Detroit this summer because they believe that “Another World Is Possible!”

Here at Liberation Ink, we believe a better t-shirt is possible: A t-shirt designed by a worker-owned collective. A t-shirt sewn and printed sweatshop free. A t-shirt sold to fund social justice movements from within. That’s why Liberation Ink is creating a t-shirt honoring the 2010 US Social Forum, which we will be sold to help community organizations fundraise so that they can attend the Forum. And, this t-shirt is being designed by you.

So send us your best design that conveys the US Social Forum theme, “Another World is Possible! Another US is Necessary.” Send us your best design that conveys what a better world could look like. Send us a design not about what social justice movements are against, but what they are for. A panel of celebrity judges — headed by Liberation Ink’s own bestselling t-shirt designers Emunah Yuka Edinburgh, Fernando Martí, and Jill Shenker — will select the winning design. The winning designer will be awarded a $100 gift certificate to, and have his or her design printed and sold by Liberation Ink online and in person at the Forum in Detroit.

All design submissions must be received before midnight PT on March 31, 2010. Submissions should use one or two ink colors and must be your own original work, not previously published in t-shirt format. Maximum 3 entries per designer.

Send your EPS or high-res TIFF or JPEG as an attachment to

In solidarity,
The Workers’ Collective
at Liberation Ink

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