We bringing prints, posters and books and joining toronto’s slinger of political comics and graphic novels Ad Asra Comix tonight for their Equinox Party.
7:00 PM – Midnight
156 Bathurst St.( Soybomb), Toronto On M5V-2R3
more info here
This is an audio dispatch from No Borders Media. Earlier today, the Supreme Court of India issued a unanimous decision, overturning section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalized…
We will be holding it down this weekend at the Toronto Anarchist Bookfair
Imaging Apartheid — poster project for Palestine exhibition @ Casa del Popolo / Montréal, March 2014 artist talk during / discussion avec les artistes pendant Israeli Apartheid Week – Montréal,…
For Martin Luther King Day I thought I would share this book I picked up a couple of years ago while my partner and I were in India visiting friends…