Counter-inaugural Poster
December 19, 2004
Here is a poster that might come in handy for organizing against the inauguration. This poster was featured in the last issue of the Radical Anarchist Tabloid (RAT), a great…
Here is a poster that might come in handy for organizing against the inauguration. This poster was featured in the last issue of the Radical Anarchist Tabloid (RAT), a great…
Here are some graphics for the counter inaugural. Soy un pocho sin verguenza, notorious for messing up Spanish translations. If you find any mistakes in the bilingual flyer, please let…
"In my post-election rage I cranked out one piece…. You’re welcome to use it on the website, wheat pasting etc. There will be more to come… In solidarity, Nicole Schulman"…
"Beta Minus 0001 is an enemy of the state and the status quo. Through his art he attacks the time honored American traditions of nationalism, fascism, militarism, consumerism, sexism, racism…