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ENDless WAR: Memory, Trauma & Resistance


Hairpin Arts Center
2810 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL

Justseeds will have work form the War is Trauma and Celebrate People’s History: Iraq Veterans Against the War portfolio in this weekend packed exhibition. Justseeds and Iraq Veterans Against the War member Aaron Hughes and Vietnam Veteran Against the War Barry Romo will be giving a talk on art and activism on Saturday, June 8th at 4:00pm

ENDless WAR: Memory, Trauma & Resistance

This counter-narrative to our current aggressive militarism features the My Lai Memorial Exhibit (Chicago Veterans for Peace), War is Trauma and Inaugurating Resistance Portfolios (Iraq Veterans Against the War and Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative), Posters from the Chicago Peace Building Program (American Friends Service Committee), video installation (Aaron Hughes), personal sculptural collage building, a story booth, and calls to action.

The Hairpin Arts Center hosts a four-day event celebrating the powerful impact of art and activism in a world torn by war and violence featuring visual and performance art, workshops, veteran storytelling, interactive art projects, and voices calling for action and resistance. June 6th through June 9th.

The event features My Lai Memorial Exhibit by Chicago Veterans for Peace which depicts the 1968 brutal massacre by U.S soldiers of more than 500 Vietnamese in their home village as a lens to confront the horror of war for those civilians caught on the other side of American firepower both in Vietnam and in our endless wars in the past 50 years, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

To counter the Pentagon and our political system’s constant stream of messages calling for aggressive militarism globally and in our own communities, the event also features “Posters of War and Resistance”. The art works powerfully expose to the trauma of war from the viewpoint of returning veterans and community activists, inspire resistance and speak for peace and social justice.

ENDless WAR invites us to face the painful impact of our political and military actions and become actively engaged in changing ourselves, our communities and our world to create a more tolerant, just and peaceful society that celebrates our common humanity and rejects violence and war.

Free Admission; some programming offers suggested donation

Thursday, June 6th @ 6:30p Opening Reception with guest speaker Kathy Kelly
Thursday, June 6th @ 7:30p Performance Art by Poet’s Eye, Artist’s Voice
Thursday, June 6th @ 8:00p Gallery Chat and Q&A with Mac MacDevitt
Friday, June 7th @ 4:00p Participatory Performance Sessions with Joseph Lefthand
Friday, June 7th @ 7:30p Chicago Screening Premiere of The Whistleblower of My Lai
Saturday, June 8th @ 1:00p Participatory Performance Sessions with Joseph Lefthand
Saturday, June 8th @ 2:00p Woodard Plaza’s Songs for Peace
Saturday, June 8th @ 4:00p Gallery Talk with Aaron Hughes and Barry Romo
Saturday, June 8th @ 7:30p Live Storytelling with Army Vietnam veteran Dennis Stout
Sunday, June 9th @ 2:00p “Building Capacity for Compassion” Workshop with Burrell Poe
Sunday, June 9th @ 4:00p Gallery Chat and Q&A with Mac MacDevitt
Sunday, June 9th @ 5:30p Closing Circle

The Hairpin Arts Center is a place where art and activism meet.

Anti-warEducationGlobal SolidarityHistory