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Imagining Human Rights


Bush Art Center
St. Norbert College
403 Third St.
De Pere, WI 54115

Imagining Human Rights is a collaborative portfolio of prints celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The portfolio was developed in the Fall of 2023 as a project between Brandon Bauer’s Introduction to Peace and Justice course and Katie Ries’s Introduction to Printmaking course. It was made in collaboration with the visiting artists Aaron Hughes and Pablo Mendoza from the Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project (PNAP) based in Chicago. The students were paired with one student from each class and were randomly assigned three articles from the declaration. They worked together to decide how to represent the articles they were assigned. The students went through a series of iterative stages developing the work and were provided feedback from Aaron and Pablo during their campus visit. As they learned the process of screen printing, each pair developed a two-color print in response to the articles they had drawn from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Exhibition catalogue featuring an interview with Aaron Hughes and Pablo Mendoza is available as a PDF here.

The project and exhibition was organized by Brandon Bauer and supported by the Cassandra Voss Center, with additional support from the Norman Miller Center for Peace, Justice, and Public Understanding, the Humanities Division, and the Art Department at St. Norbert College.

Justice is not Blind by Meredith Posanski & Earl D’Souza

Article 18 by Itzel Chavarria Castaneda & Kyler Lasee

Accessible Education by Nico Velez & Ava Rachoner

Culture & MediaEducationInspirationPolice & PrisonsSocial Movements