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Interference Archive Benefit


Interference Archive
314 7th St
Brooklyn, NY 11215

You’re invited to Interference Archive’s (almost) annual benefit! It’ll be a fun night filled with friends, refreshments, and social movement history, celebrating one year in our new home on 7th Street. There will even be special programming for kids in the first half of the evening, from 4-6pm.

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Advance tickets are $20 for adults, $5 for kids between 6 and 16, and free for kids under 6. Tickets will be available for $25 at the door.

All funds raised go directly towards one of the most critical supporters of our 30,000+ collection of social movement ephemera–the AC Unit! We owe the final bulk payment on our AC and we’re raising funds just for that. Our goal is $5,000. It’s really important for our collection to be in a cool, stable environment so that it can live on and be accessed by generations to come.

So join us, bring your cool vibes, and keep Interference Archive chill. There will even be a raffle–get your wallets ready!

The evening will include a spoken-word set by Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan, a writer, speaker, playwright, award-winning spoken-word activist and founder of the political blog With a background in history and postcolonial studies focused on British state conceptions of Muslim sexuality in the counter-terrorism narrative, she writes and performs on issues of race, gender, Islamophobia, intersectionality, state violence and decolonising minds/bodies. She has been featured in The Independent, BBC, ITV, Sky TV, The Guardian, The Islam Channel, TEDx conferences, music festivals, US slams and UK universities. Her poetry has millions of views online and has been translated into multiple languages. All Suhaiymah’s activism is rooted in Islam.

P.S. This is also a great time to catch our closing exhibition Agitate! Educate! Organize! Agit Prop into the 21st Century, on view through September 30th.

Interference Archive is grateful to Fairway Market for their support of this fundraiser.

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