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Letters & Liberation: Art Auction for Justice In the Prisons


BOOM Concepts
5139 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh, PA
gallery open Saturdays noon-4pm

For the second year in a row, Justseeds artists donated loads of work to the Let’s Get Free/The Women & Trans Prisoner Defense Committee’s annual fundraiser art auction!

Let’s Get Free, The Women & Trans Prisoner Defense Committee, teamed up with Boom Concepts for the 2nd year in a row displaying a new exhibit called Letters and Liberation.

Over 40 artists from both sides of the prison walls have submitted provocative pieces utilizing ceramics, photography, textiles, silk screen, collage, stained glass, drawing, etc. There are close to 100 pieces of art up for auction benefiting the work of this local prison advocacy group.

The opening and auction will take place on July 6 from 6 – 10pm with the auction closing at 9pm. The show will stay up through July 29th with gallery hours on Saturdays from 12 – 4pm. This art is for the people. Prices start as low as $10! Diversity in prices! Affordable for everyone. Bring cash, but we also take Paypal and Square!

Read more about this event!

…and then check out the Community Dialog on Pardons and Parole Wednesday, July 11: 

HealthPolice & PrisonsRacial JusticeSocial Movements