We’re having a propaganda party and we want you to come!
The Portland cohort of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative invites you to participate in our first ever Propaganda Party, to be held on Friday the 31st of March, 6-9 pm at Flight 64 Studio off NE Alberta St in PDX. Based on the model developed by our colleagues at the Interference Archive/Justseeds in NYC, we’re going to be hosting a gathering of local artists, printers, activists, thinkers and enthusiasts with the goal of distributing as much free propaganda as we can, in as many formats as possible, to whomever we can get to show up.
The theme of this first effort is going to be Immigration and Refugees- we want the art and other material that we distribute at this event to reflect the contemporary struggles to defend the rights and dreams of immigrants and refugees against the onslaught of idiocy coming from the political power structure, and from the racist and xenophobic elements within this society.
What we want from you: we want you to make some stuff! If you are an artist or a writer or a designer or a filmmaker or a poet with something that you’ve created that is relevant to this theme, or if you have an idea that you’ve been waiting for the right moment to develop, we want you to make as many copies of it as you feel like you want to give away and bring it to the event. We don’t have any funds to pay artists for this event- we’re hoping that people will be offering up their work for the purpose of galvanizing movements. Nobody will be making any money, and any materials left over at the end of it will be distributed by organizers through our local networks. Think of it as an art exchange- you bring some stuff to give away, and you get to take some stuff away with you!
We’ll be burning some screens with designs that reflect the theme, for printing on people’s t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, butt-flaps, or whatever, and we’ll be getting some material offset-printed in bulk to make sure that we have big enough piles of things to give away on the off-chance that we get mobbed.
If you have any questions, please ask! This is an experimental first effort- we hope to make more of these happen, and to have them address a multiplicity of themes- and we hope eventually to take the model outside of the Portland bubble into the world beyond.
Let us know what you think! We love what you do and we’d love to have you with us!