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Screen Printing Day: Queers Against Lightfoot (Defund CPD)


PO Box Collective
6900 N Glenwood Ave
Chicago, IL

Been trying to get your hands on a “Queers Against Lightfoot” t-shirt? Stop by the PO Box Collective and screen print one with us! Some t-shirts will be available on-site (size options coming soon) or you can bring your own t-shirt and we’ll happily screen print it with you!

Artwork created by Jeanette Martin in early 2019 during #StopLightfoot, a rapid response campaign during the 2019 run-off election to #StopLightfoot from becoming Mayor.

Led by Black and immigrant and queer and trans and gender non-conforming young organizers in Chicago, we recognized how harmful Lightfoot would be for our communities if she were to become Mayor. Lightfoot ran her mayoral campaign vastly centering her lesbian identity, but her stances on issues like policing and rent control aligned with a legacy of decades-old anti-gay and anti-trans neoliberal agenda. Organizers disrupted her speaking events, organized train takeovers, and created zines and artwork to make it known that queer and trans voters in Chicago were not unanimously in support of Lightfoot.

As she continues to harm our communities everyday (for example, giving $280 million dollars of COVID relief funds to CPD, doubling-down on her pro-cop academy stance, covering up and making excuses for Adam Toledo’s murder, and so much more), we continue to sound the alarms and refuse to let her use her lesbian identity to pink-wash police violence, gentrification, and state violence in Chicago. We are Queers Against Lightfoot, and we demand Defund CPD now!

This event is part of Monica Trinidad’s May Artist in Residency @PO Box Collective

**This event will take place outdoors. Masks are required, social distancing will be practiced, and hand sanitizer will be available.**

Police & PrisonsQueer LiberationRacial JusticeSocial Movements