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Shut Down Rikers!


Foley Square (across from 60 Centre St.)
New York, NY 10007

The crisis at Rikers Island Jail Complex is spiraling out of control. Under NYC Mayor Adams, conditions at Rikers have gotten worse and at least 28 people have died in city jails. We say, enough! We’re taking action on Thursday, December 14th in Manhattan. Can you join us?

On Thursday (12/14), there’s an important federal court hearing about Rikers. As Rikers unravels under Mayor Adams, a federal judge is considering appointing an independent “receiver” — an individual who would be responsible for managing NYC Jails — including those at Rikers — to improve conditions and save lives. Ahead of the hearing at 1pm at Foley Square, we’re holding a rally to make clear that until Rikers is shut down, the federal courts must appoint a receiver to improve conditions and save lives. RSVP to join us on 12/14 for our Shut Rikers action!

If you have any questions about the upcoming action, please reach out to Katal’s lead organizer Melanie at (516) 588- 0127 or

Police & PrisonsRacial Justice