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The Future of Work


Art Gallery of Burlington
1333 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, ON L7S 1A9

At the Art Gallery of Burlington from August 26 – December 31, 2022, the Parallel Economies chapter of The Future of Work explores emerging and established diverse economies, radical new forms of production and alternatives to the ways in which industrialized sectors exploit resources and workers. The exhibition and program series features artists and cultural producers who work within solidarity economies, focus on mutual aid, actively work against competitive forms of growth, and who formulate anti-capitalist methods and strategies around worker ownership, peer-to-peer exchange, gift economies, cooperatives, community-governance, financial justice, and climate justice reform. Participating artists include Justseeds, Christina Battle, Jeffrey Gibson, GUDSKUL, Works-in-Progress, Derya Akay, Gendai Gallery, Jen Delos Reyes & June Ahn, Jeneen Frei Njootli, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Chandra Melting Tallow, & Tania Willard, and community members such as the art and craft guilds of the region, local gardeners, historians, and restaurants, as well as the Burlington Public Library, The Pink Project, and Brock University’s Department of Labour Studies.

THE HIVE is the exhibition opening event in celebration of our three fall exhibitions from 1-4 pm on Saturday August 27th

Clay & Paper Theatre will lead a family-focused workshop in Brock Park, helping participants make noise makers and flags for use in a participatory parade throughout the neighbourhood. The AGB’s studios will be open and active with the guilds of Arts Burlington welcoming guests, artist Jesse Purcell of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative will demonstrate screen printing in the gallery, and collective Works-In-Progress will host an open workshop on repurposing and repairing unwanted textiles and damaged clothes.