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Triangulating Distances at Elastic Arts, Chicago


Elastic Arts
3429 W Diversey Ave #208
Chicago, IL 60647

I (Mary Tremonte) have work in an ACRE group exhibition at Elastic Arts, a follow up to the residency I completed last Summer. I made a printstallation and zine about the Great Lakes, place and identity, and water more generally. If you’re in Chicago this weekend come to the opening reception with a performance by Johana Moscoso.

The exhibition features Alejandro Jimenez-Flores, Johana Moscoso, Mary Tremonte, Sharmyn Cruz Rivera + nibia pastrana santiago, curated by Jordan Martins.  It runs from September 10th through November 13th, viewable during all of Elastic’s events and by appointment.

Artists Cooperative Residency and Exhibitions (ACRE) was founded in 2010 as a summer artist-residency program seeking to create a fertile territory for artists to not only experiment freely with their practice but also to cross-pollinate among one another. The artists in Triangulating Distances illustrate the ACRE program’s full gamut of creative practice, collaborative strategy, and geographical variety, with artists based in Chicago, Toronto, and Puerto Rico making work that is, at times, personal, political, ephemeral, formal, and practical. While the work here does not hover around a fixed theme, it invokes the complex network of exchange that its participants are engaged in, both in the context of the ACRE residency and outside of it.