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Found on a Sidewalk in Downtown Pittsburgh

June 23, 2008


I caught this humorous alteration to a sidewalk advertisement while walking in downtown Pittsburgh this past weekend. I don’t know what it used to say under the word “war”, but I do recognize the ad as part of a series of commissioned sidewalk murals aimed at the upper crust that developers hope will continue moving into many of the new loft developments in the downtown area. This piece strikes me as especially relevant given some of the recent news regarding the local Food Not Bombs chapter and the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership butting heads over sharing food in Market Square.

Housing & CitiesInspiration

2 comments on “Found on a Sidewalk in Downtown Pittsburgh”

I stumbled on your site when looking for examples of mosaics–I live in Austin, but am from Pittsburgh — the mural artist is Brian Holderman — check him at:–he does a ton of work around town
not sure if he did the alteration or not, but that’s great..

That is a cool post. If you are into urban art you would probably like this guy Alexander Austin, he does huge building murals in KC. The Pitch newspaper just did a story about him, it is a cool article kind of a rags to riches story. Here is a link if you would like to take a look….

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