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Break ICE’s Hold

This is a poster we just created for the “Mass Rally to Support the TRUST Act & CA Domestic Workers Bill of Rights” this coming Saturday, September 29th. The mobilization is being organized to urge California Governor Jerry Brown to sign the Trust Act & the CA Domestic Workers Bill of Rights into law. These two historic bills represent years of grassroots organizing and struggle by working immigrant communities and their allies, and offer California an important opportunity to counter the rise of anti-immigrant legislation across the United States. We hope that you will join our brothers and sisters in the labor, interfaith, immigrant, and student communities who will converge to urge the governor to sign these bills and make history.


A photograph in orange, brown, and yellows of two young people holding hands and raising a banner above their heads, saying: “OUR FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER.” Their T-shirts feature Monarch butterflies with the word “MIGRANT”. Text below states: “BREAK ICE’S HOLD. ALTO POLI / MIGRA.”

Posts by Jesus Barraza