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Defend land defenders!

De sur a norte, ¡solidaridad con todxs lxs defensores de la Tierra!

From south to north, solidarity with all land defenders!

Early this morning, a fire was set on the road and CGL work was stopped. Another two arrests were made on Gidimt’en territory, for a growing total of 34 arrests in the last several weeks. That makes 36 arrests since Coyote Camp was established on Sept 25th, 2021.

Legal defense funds are once again needed to support Land Defenders and supporters facing charges. Please donate if you can and share widely:

Follow the Gidimt’en Checkpoint on Instagram @yintah_access and keep all eyes on Wet’suwet’en!

Graphic by: Andrea Narno @graficanarno on Instagram


A colorful linocut image of a river, trees and flora, and a setting (or rising) sun. A lone bird flies above. Text above states: “DEFEND LAND DEFENDERS” #WETSUETENSTRONG

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