Some of you have kids, and they love to color but it would be great to have some coloring pages with a little content. Lots of you need to wind down, but want to stay creative. Either way, we’ve got your back! In this download are 121 (!!!) high-res coloring pages from Justseeds artists and friends. Included are 22 brand new pages, plus 31 pages from the Justseeds’ Be The Change! coloring book (which you can still buy HERE), 10 of the coloring pages Melanie Cervantes has uploaded our graphics page over the past couple months, 3 pages from Sam Kirk, 40 pages from William Estrada, plus excerpts from two coloring books produced by the Chicago-based For the People Collective, Color Me Rising and Color Me Resisting.
Included in the new coloring pages are 4 designs from Aaron Hughes:

12 from Chris Stain:

And 1 from Amor y Resistencia, 1 from Eric Garcia, 2 from Josh MacPhee, 1 from Molly Costello, and 1 from Nicole Rodrigues:

Here’s some of Melanie Cerventes’ pages included:

3 of William Estrada’s:

and 3 of 15 pages includes from For the People:

Print and enjoy! If you post any of your coloring creations on social media, please tag @justseeds, and the artist if possible!