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Homeo-Empathy 9th & C author interviewed in MRR

July 11, 2014

W.D. Bickerknocker, author of a current zine in the Justseeds Store, was just interviewed in Maximum RocknRoll. Below is the beginning of the interview, click the link at the end for the whole piece.
Create to Destroy! NYC’s C-Squat: Homeo-Empathy 9th & C
Bill Cashman is an all around great guy (like give you his last dollar and make you smile kind of guy) who also painstakingly creates very dense and elaborate zines filled with collage and intensity. This time, the project was obsessively focused on the history of the squat gone homestead co-op where he lives, C-Squat in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. The history of the Lower East Side is rife with punk and punk rock attitude from the squatters to the Tompkins Square Park riots to the Diggers to anarchists and just plain anarchy. There is a lot of history but within the punk scene, there are a lot of conflicting memories. So, Bill decided to side step controversy and just stick with the slightly embellished historical facts of the building itself. This zine focuses a lot about the history of the LES, including squatting of course, but the Social Ecology piece entitled The Struggle for Space is an amazing resource for that specific movement: as is former MRR contributor Fly, who is currently working on her history book Unreal Estate. Additionally, the Greenwich Village Society for Historical Preservation recently ran the piece about the zine: Examining a Building’s Past, Punk Rock Style. Here is Bill Cashman (or W.D. Bickerknocker) of Homeo-Empathy 9th & C zine…
What is C-Squat?
It’s a punk house. Formerly a long time squat, currently a homestead, and future: unknown. As one of the graffiti scribblings on one of our walls accurately decrees: “This house is an emotional megaphone”.
Read the full interview at MRR

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