To continue with our gardenblogging I figured I’d share too. I live on the third floor in an apartment building in Brooklyn with Josh, and this is the amount of garden we have up in here. And its not due to Macphee’s green thumb.
It’s ok tho, despite what many of you folks are thinking, about NYC, I also get to “garden”sit a decent size plot and a handful fruit trees just a few blocks away! mmm peaches.
For what the bounty of our fire escape lacks, I bring home plenty of “specialty” produce from my farmer Morse. Yeah I’ve got a farmer.
Just(planted)seeds-this season
July 16, 2008
Oh, so that’s what Farmers Markets are for…
are these tomato plants? they are super cute!
Yup, Sun Gold Cherry Tomato and another heirloom that I forget.
I like the UFO 907 tag under the plant. Nice touch.
Yeah, I was thinking about noting that in my post. That sighting was after a raging going traveling party, for me and a friend, in the house and the empty apartment below us. Some Faro tags appeared on the outside windowsills of the building, while an old swoon piece was stolen off my wall. It was a great idea, throwing a party in a vacant apartment, and unfortunate that someone was opportunistic. Oh well, hope their house burns down.