After some informal surveys on social media to help me gauge interest, gather topics and get a sense for timing I am happy to announce my first FREE online lecture: : “Melanie Cervantes on becoming an artist” (Rated PG-13) , Friday, March 20, 2020 6-8pm PST. If you would like to participate please email to sign up for the Zoom meeting. I will email you all of the details. Participation is limited to 300 people.
I will be telling the story of how I ended up becoming an artist, who shaped my art and how my practice has evolved over time. We will have a significant amount of time allocated for questions and answers and some discussion.
Track two will focus on hands on art making/skill sharing that people can participate in by using materials they likely have at home already.
I will be offering the same lecture twice a week. One will happen on a weekday in the evening and the other will happen on a weekend in the late morning/early afternoon (Pacific Standard Time). Be sure to keep an eye open for future workshop and lecture announcements.
Hi Melanie,
Sorry I missed your lecture, Becoming an Artist & Creative Connection during social distancing. I could use some connecting rather than all the isolating.
When will you do the next Zoom lecture or workshop?
Thank you so much for your time and awesome creative skills!
Best regards and take care,
Geralyn Montano