More analysis later, but for now I’ll show you some pictures and simply say that the occupation is both very exciting and a bit confusing to a counter-globalization movement veteran like myself. Almost everyone is 25 or under, and the assembly process is somewhat like, but also distinct from, the spokes council system we used 10 years back. This is definitely an attempt at direct democracy on a small scale, which is then strangely hitched to more reformist and electoral goals…More on this later, but for now, if you can, come down and show your support. Check out the live video feed of the occupation HERE, and the twitter feed with continuous updates is #occupywallst.
image: Cardboard signs with a diversity of occupiers statements and demands line the ground of Zuccotti Park on Monday.
Saturday afternoon the crowd occupies Zuccotti Park at the corner of Broadway and Liberty:
“Anonymous” in shorts addresses one of the assemblies at the park on Saturday:
Cardboard signs with a diversity of occupiers statements and demands line the ground of Zuccotti Park on Monday:
One of many protest marches around the Wall Street area, this one Monday evening:
Wish I were there!
Looking forward to reading the mentioned future analysis, after reading your comment about the style of assembly being a little dated..
We have an Occupy Los Angeles movement developing here, and I had my own mostly unfair pre-conceptions about the way it seems to be unfolding. But after reading lots of very jaded Facebook status updates from more seasoned veterans with negative attitudes about occupy NYC, I’m consciously trying to adopt a less negative attitude.
Not that your comment or article is negative at all!
Hi Steve- I was actually trying to say the assembly style had changed or evolved since the counter-globalization movement, not that it was dated!
Excited to hear people are mobilizing in LA!
What is the reason? I think that if you are going to exercise your right to assemble, the message should be singular, as the media is finally starting to run with your story!!! Much love and success, but please organize!