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November 12, 2015

We live in tumultuous times. Our world is wracked by a convergence of destabilizing and devastating wars, soaring levels of inequality, and mass waves of human displacement. Battered by increasingly erratic weather patterns, we are haunted by the terrifying spectre of ecological collapse. Ours is an age of crisis.

This crisis takes many forms: from record-breaking droughts and hurricanes, to uprisings sparked by rising food prices; from rapidly melting glaciers, to sudden stock market crashes; from rampant deforestation, to mass incarceration and round-the-clock surveillance. Yet despite the apparently chaotic nature of these disparate phenomena, they are all manifestations of a single, unitary crisis. That crisis is capitalism itself – a unitary logic of domination that pursues profit at the expense of all life on this planet.

Yes… ours is an age of crisis. But it is also an age of resistance. From Indigenous warriors waging front-line struggles against colonial violence and the ecological destruction of their territories, to urban rebellions against heavily militarized police; from insurrectionary student movements demanding free education, to coordinated prison strikes demanding an end to solitary confinement; from struggles against South American copper mines, to the revolutionaries in Rojava building a new society in the shell of the old. All around the world, people are rising up and fighting back.

In this age of unprecedented corporate media consolidation, we believe that independent, grassroots media has a responsibility to amplify the voices of those engaged in this swelling movement of anti-capitalist and anti-colonial resistance. Voices that are often ignored, marginalized and purposefully shut out of the mainstream narratives that shape and manage public opinion. This is a responsibility that we take extremely seriously.

Over the past decade, subMedia has produced hundreds of videos showcasing the many battles being waged by the global resistance. We’ve filed in-depth reports on anti-fracking protests in Elsipogtog, the anti-pipeline land-defense of the Unist’ot’en camp, the anarchist movement in Athens, the 2012 Quebec student strike, the anti-nuke movement in Japan, and more.

Our videos, short films and collaborations have reached hundreds of thousands of viewers, and have been screened in dozens of countries across the world. We are proud to hear that they’ve inspired many who have watched them into taking action. But despite this, we want to do more.

We are hoping to grow subMedia, and to expand the scope of our coverage. We want to produce more on-the-ground reports and translate our films into more languages in order to expand our international audience. We want to branch out into new directions, and start producing short, introductory videos explaining radical theories and concepts that can be easily digested by a mass audience. We want to grow our collective, and start putting out more regular content. But in order to do all this, we need your support. subMedia is a small, grassroots collective that depends entirely on viewer donations in order to fund our work. So if you like what we do, and want to see more of it, please consider making a donation and help grow

AnarchismAnti-capitalismCulture & MediaEcology & AnimalsEnvironment & ClimateGlobal SolidarityIndigenous ResistanceInspirationSocial Movements

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