The Progress Illinois site has a good post on a recent action by the TAMMS Year Ten coallition demanding that the Chicago Tribune retract a fault-ridden editorial about TAMMS. The newspaper had refuesed to meet with the coallition until the protest took place.
Below is section of the story and link to the full article:
“Back in May, the Tribune ran a puzzling editorial criticizing State Rep. Julie Hamos’ bill (HB 2633) to reform the Tamms Correctional Center in downstate Illinois. While acknowledging the harsh treatment of inmates there, the paper misread key sections of the bill, falsely asserting that it would limit terms at Tamms to one year “in almost all cases.” We criticized the piece the following day, but no retraction was ever issued. Today, the Tamms Year Ten organization asked the paper to do just that.
Holding two “stone tablets,” which contained their inscribed list of “Ten Corrections,” the group of prison reformers marched outside the paper’s Tribune Tower headquarters this afternoon.”
full story: