I’ve been way behind on blogging these days, and rad things keep slipping by before I can post them up here. My friend Sam Sebren had a cool art piece about Rachel Corrie’s murder in Palestine which accompanied a theatre production about her, but I missed the date and didn’t get it up here. But, no matter, I can still post the piece now. It’s called “Walls: Price vs. Cost” and it’s an 11ft long vinyl banner. The image and Sam’s description are below:

From Sam:
On March 16, 2003, 23 year old peace activist, Rachel Corrie, from Olympia, WA was dragged to her death and crushed by the blade of a Caterpillar bulldozer while trying to prevent the home of a Palestinian pharmacist from being demolished by Israelis in the town of Rafah in Gaza.
There are varying accounts of what actually happened to Ms. Corrie, and how it happened, depending on the source of information. The Israeli government ruled it an accident; Palestinian activists called it murder. It’s a complex story, to say the least.
This past July a Palestinian worker operating a Caterpillar bulldozer in Jerusalem went berserk and used the bulldozer to plow into people and cars on the street, killing 3 and injuring 44 innocent victims. Just 3 weeks later, in a “copycat” rampage, another Palestinian worker driving a Caterpillar bulldozer in Jerusalem injured 16 more innocent victims.
While they build armored bulldozers (the D9 model) specifically designed as weapons, Caterpillar has denied responsibility for any of these bulldozer deaths. Since the Rachel Corrie incident the demand for Caterpillar bulldozers & machines globally has increased and their profits continue to rise. Caterpillar, Inc., led by CEO James (Jim) W. Owens has been a major contributor to both Bush/Cheney campaigns. In fact, Caterpillar is paid by the U.S. government – with our taxpayer dollars – for bulldozers used in many countries around the world as part of the U.S. Foreign Military Sales Program.
After her death in 2003, Rachel Corrie became a symbol for injustice around the world. Bands from various countries have recorded songs about/dedicated to her. A play, “My Name Is Rachel Corrie” based on her diaries & emails was produced in London to sold out crowds and critical acclaim. However, when it was brought to NYC, the production was cancelled due to complaints from various Jewish groups. Productions of the play were also banned in Miami & Toronto. At CATF (Contemporary American Theatre Festival) in Shepardstown, WV, some trustees resigned and a donor’s $100,000 pledge was pulled due to a staging of the play. In 2008, W. Norton purchased the rights to all of Ms. Corrie’s writings for a 6 figure sum and published “Let Me Stand Alone”, a book made from those writings.