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A couple quick notes

February 2, 2010

I’m working hard installing Signs of Change in Portland, OR this week (we open on Thursday night!) and wanted to throw a couple quicks items I’ve run into up here on the blog:
1) Anarchist Author Gabriel Kuhn turned away at US border! Gabriel is great, I’ve tabled next to him at multiple international Anarchist bookfairs, and am pissed I wont get to see him on his now-cancelled US tour book tour (he has 3 books out or coming out on PM Press—and I thought I was prolific!). Check out more info HERE, and get pissed off.
2) Part Two of Erick Lyle’s great story about Art Basel Miami is up on the Bay Guardian website. Read it HERE or you’ll be very sad later when everybody is talking about it!
3) I found a nice little write up and set of photos on Swoon on the Indonesian website Cream, check it out HERE.
4) PM Press has just released on CD the amazing discography of the Dutch political punk band the Rondos. The set has 2 cds and 4 books, and is well, well worth getting. The Rondos were engaged politically on a level few bands ever truly are, and have written a fascinating history of 1980s Rotterdam, Dutch communism and anarchism, and the larger punk and squatting subculture. Check it out HERE.


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