The March on Blair Mountain will be June 5 to 11, 2011 in West Virginia. It commemorates the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Blair Mountain in 1921, when 10,000 coal miners rose against the rule of the coal operators and fought for the basic right to live and work in decent conditions. Today, Blair Mountain is threatened with obliteration by mountaintop removal (MTR) mining. It is here that a new generation of Appalachians takes a stand to preserve Blair Mountain, abolish mountaintop removal, defend worker’s rights, and begin a just transition to a sustainable economy in Appalachia.
We will march five days from Marmet (near Charleston) to Blair Mountain in Logan County. Each day we will march 10 miles. Music, speakers, and workshops will be held at camp grounds in the evening. The sixth day, June 11, will be a mass rally in the town of Blair and Day of Action on Blair Mountain. Prior to the march, on June 5, we will have a day of trainings and preparation for all marchers in Charleston. More detailed logistical information will be posted on www.appalachiarising.org in the coming weeks.
Endorse the March on Blair Mountain
We are asking all organizations that seek to preserve Blair Mountain, advance workers rights, abolish mountaintop removal, and build a sustainable Appalachia to endorse the March on Blair Mountain. Endorsement means that your organization agrees to the goals, strategy, and tactics of the March on Blair Mountain and will mobilize its base to participate in the March on Blair Mountain.
Join the Blair Mountain Coalition
Joining the Blair Mountain Coalition means that your organization is committing to concrete work to organize the March on Blair Mountain. The BMC carries out its work in a working group structure, including Outreach, Fundraising, Media & Messaging, and Logistics.
Complete this online form to indicate your organization’s endorsement and commitments to organizing the March on Blair Mountain.