Women’s Studio Workshop is co-ordinating a day to improve the Wikipedia entries of Women Artists. I encourage folks to participate in this! You can spend just a few minutes to create/edit entries of under-represented artists. I think the scope of this event should be expanded to include all artists marginalized within the art realm which continues to disproportionately exclude artists of color, queer artists, transgender artists, and International artists whose work gets classified as “outsider” or “craft.”
Case in point: the 2014 Whitney Biennial (one of the most prominent forums for artists) is showcasing only 8 artists of color (which is less than 8% of the total participants). Further, only 38% of participants are women and there are only a few queer identified artists.
Here’s the link which explains the scope of this event. There are also some meet ups in various cities, if people want to gather in real space. Alternately, you can do this from your home!
All you incredible writers- here is an opportunity to contribute to the vernacular of art history in a positive way. The youth need to be able to read about their mentors and peers and Wikipedia is becoming one of the most utilized sources of historical content.
Just a few artists whose work could be added to and/or expanded on Wikipedia, for those folks looking for some inspiration:
Transformazium Collective
Black Salt Collective
Dignidad Rebelde
Secret Door Projects
This article lists a few transgender artists whose work could be explored.