Every year 2000-plus printmakers descend on a city for the SGC International conference in mid-March. This year it is in Milwaukee and Justseeds will be present. In fact, upwards of 20 artists from Justseeds will be in town doing a host of projects.
To register for the conference, check out the Print MKE 2013 website.
To learn about the various Justseeds projects at SGCI, including our print factory installation and our two-day schedule of talks on art and activism keep on reading.
“Uprisings: Images of Labor”
The Justseeds SGCI project involves turning the gallery into a print factory. Print editions based upon the theme of labor hang from the sky, individual and collaborative work occurs on the ground, and artists align their work with local and international social justice movements. Included in the evolving installation is Justseeds artists, the Combat Paper Project, guest artists, and a two-day schedule of artists’ talks and discussions about art and activism. All talks are free and open to the public.
UWM Union Art Gallery, 2200 E Kenwood Blvd W199, Milwaukee Wisconsin 53211 414-229-6310
Opening reception: Thursday: March 21st, 5-8pm.
Artist talks/presentations: Friday, March 22-Saturday March 23rd, 9:00am-5:00pm, free and open to the public. In conjunction with the Justseeds print installation, various members from Justseeds will give talks about their practice, activist art, radial art history, and various print-related projects in North America and beyond. Each talk will be 30 minutes and the series will run for two days (Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23) from 9:00am-5:00pm. Stop by and join the conversation. A full schedule of the topic presentations and presenters will be available in the gallery and on the Union Art Gallery website and the Justseeds website (justseeds.org).
Exhibitions run from March 21-March 29
ALSO check out another Justseeds show at SGCI
“Collective (Print) Action: Political Print Portfolios”
Justseeds presents an exhibition on political print portfolios. Stop by ReciproCity (an experimental art space housed inside an indoor urban aquaponics farm) and see four portfolio projects that Justseeds has co-organized, plus the international renowned Sweet Water urban farm.
On exhibit will be:
Migration Now (a portfolio on border and migrant labor issues) http://migrationnow.com
War is Trauma (a portfolio in collaboration with Iraq Veterans Against the War) http://www.ivaw.org/war-is-trauma
Resourced (a portfolio examining resource extraction – fracking, mountain top removals, dams, coal burning power plants, etc – and the movements organizing to stop these destructive practices) http://justseeds.org/resourced
This is an Emergency! (a portfolio on reproductive rights and women rights) http://meredith-stern.tumblr.com/
ReciproCity: an experimental art space at Sweet Water
2151 South Robinson Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, 53207 (414) 489-0425
Opening reception: Saturday: March 23rd, 5-8pm;
SGCI bus tours will also stop by ReciproCity and Sky High at 10:15am-11:00am and 1:15-2:00 on Saturday, March 23rd
Exhibitions run from March 23-April 23rd.
Space is open during Sweet Water business hours: 8:00-5:00 M-F.