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CLDC Art Needed

December 27, 2008

This just in:

Calling all artists and creative folks!! The Civil Liberties Defense Center is planning to design a t-shirt and poster(s) reflecting CLDC’s commitment and solidarity to environmental, animal rights and anarchist activists who have been targeted in recent years by the government.

We are looking for a design that illustrates a love of nature and living things as well as showing respect for those who have ended up in prison and have maintained their integrity to a greater movement. Whether arrested at a timber sale protest for civil disobedience, or ensnared as part of the Green Scare, we would like to encompass all earth defenders who have risked their liberty to protect life on earth.

We are hoping to launch this design at our upcoming WOW hall benefit in Eugene–which is 2/27/09–and will be a benefit for our activist defense and political prisoner work highlighting those who have fallen as a result of the Green Scare (which includes SHAC and related cases in our minds). It is also THE Friday night entertainment for the Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference which is also held that weekend and may be a great opportunity to reach out to like minded folks from all over the world.
So, PLEASE sit down with your artistic implements and contact us with any ideas, sketches, or full blown design concepts you can come up with as soon as you can. The design can be in any medium, color or black and white, and does not need to include any words unless you come up w/ a great slogan too…. Please send them to If we decide to use your design, you will get tons of credit and our enduring love and praise.


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