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Get your copy of the newest M68 portfolio WIRIKUTA -Tsekie Tuamuxawita!

by Mazatl
May 9, 2012

Don’t miss your chance to buy this gorgeous collection of prints, support the Wrikuta Defense Front and the Wixarika struggle for autonomy.
Take a look at this beautiful slideshow with details of every print and collaborators in the newest M68 Portfolio WIRIKUTA -Tsekie Tuamuxawita: Herido Lugar Sagrado. The slideshow also contains selection of photos from the Wirikuta Defense Front actions and two beautiful traditional Wixarika songs by Hilario López, Pablo López, Kwixi Aguililla produced by Rodrigo de la Mora.

The portfolio comes in a hand printed and built box, where an intricate and beautiful piece of hand made traditional Wixarika art is imbedded. The portfolio contains more than 30 hand made prints featuring the work of:
Adolfo Mexiac
Aldo Miguel López
Adriana Hernández S
Antonio Valverde
Argelia Leodegario
Arturo Reyes Mata
Eduardo Juárez
Elisa Suárez Zavaleta
Elizabeth Mota Rico
Felipe Hernández
Fernando Diyarza
Francisco Plancarte M
Gandhi Noyola V
Iseo Noyola Isgleas
Ismael Ramírez Cortez
Joel Martínez H
Jorge Pérez Vega
Leonel Martínez T
Leopoldo Morales P
Lesly Y Mendoza M
Lucía Vidales
Mariana Sasso Rojas
M Arturo Romero A
Octavio Jiménez
R Luis García R
Roberto Romero A
Roman Varela V
Rómulo Escudero
Santiago Armengod
Sarah Tisdall
Writings by:
Alberto Becerril Montekio
Alberto Hijar Serrano
Ignacio Betancourt
Mauricio Genet Guzmán Chávez
Refugio Solís
Jacinto López Villa y familia
To read more about this project click HERE.
For more information contact: mazatl ( a )


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