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End the Drug War

Image by Roger Peet.

Migration Now! was a 2012 print portfolio co-produced by Justseeds and CultureStrike (CultureStrike is now the Center for Cultural Power) which explored the social, cultural, and emotional facets of immigration.

Peet’s piece was inspired by his current obsession with the “apocalyptic carnage” of the cartel wars in Mexico, and the ways in which the violence has extended its reach into arcane corners of the natural and cultural world. “The cartels that have emerged to satisfy the stupendous level of U.S. drug demand have become some of the most terrifying purveyors of black magic and ritual butchery the world has ever known, and both the forests and peoples of Mexico and Central America are cut down before them,” Peet said. “Directly responsible for their rise are the hypocritical and racist policies that see drug use as personal delinquency instead of as an integral part of an exploitative economic superstructure. The nations of Central America have concluded that the drug war is a failure and they are moving towards decriminalization. Hopefully the U.S. will move before the mass graves are filled to the brim.”

This page is currently a placeholder while we to track down the original high-res files of the images from this portfolio (06/2020)

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