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Land Day 2022 يوم ال ارض

March 30th, 1976 marked a day when six Palestinian civilians were murdered by Israeli police during ongoing protests against the stealing of Palestinian land.  This day continues to mark one of the many days of Palestinian resistance to settler colonial occupation of Indigenous land since 1948.  I included the olive as one of our many important wise plantcestors who are threatened by settler violence. Thousand year old trees are bulldozed to make way for settlements and to disrupt the economy and nourishment of Palestinian families.  Many areas of Palestinian land are still occupied and many more under threat of occupation like the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem.  I am inspired by projects like Vivien Sansour’s Palestine Heirloom Seed Library. You can order seeds and propagate them as a way to learn, remember and carry on Palestinian agri-cultural heritage. Please focus your heart on Palestine today and send love & financial support to all those Indigenous peoples across the world calling for land back on this Land Day 2022. 

 I will be making some prints available at some point later in the year for purchase. A percentage of the donations will be going towards the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library.

#ankhinkhstudios #savesheikhjarrah #landday 


Red, green, white, and black lettering states: “LAND DAY 2022”, followed by lettering in Arabic. Large olives, a tree trunk and branches are featured, with a green banner stating: “REMEMBERING 48+ YEARS OF RESISTANCE!”

Posts by Sarah Farahat