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Sam Wallman

Graphic by Melbourne-based artist Sam Wallman  |  @ourmembersbeunlimited

This ‘No Fossil Fuels’ graphic is intended for use by grassroots campaigns opposing destructive environmental projects. Feel free to add your own text around the drawing – a slogan or call to action running along the top, around both sides, and then one or two lines of text along the bottom of the layout. Please use the color white for the font, and use either hand-drawn lettering, or a simple, stripped-back font like Courier. All strength to your arm!

Here is how I used the design, as an example:



White lettering spelled out in hand-drawn bones states: “NO FOSSIL FUELS” and the “O” is a skull. The background is a scene of destruction in red, yellows, grays and black, showing fire, smoke, dead fish, cracking pipes. The text that wraps around the border states: “NO CLIMATE APOCALYPSE IN CORIO BAY. A NEW GAS TERMINAL IN GEELONG? SUSTAINABLE LOCAL UNION JOBS INSTEAD. WE WANT RENEWABLES. VISIT GEELONGRENEWABLESNOTGAS.ORG, GET INVOLVED.” Other variations of the graphic have no text wrap.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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