You can download a file of 9 Hi Res versions of the designs here

I’ve been working with the group Just Transition Northwest Indiana to create a group of images in their campaign to protect the waters of Lake Michigan (and all the Great Lakes) from the pollution of toxic coal ash. The images are designed for use as physical and digital banners, buttons, stickers, T-shirts, hats, social media campaigns etc.

What is Coal Ash?
Coal ash is the waste product of burning coal for electricity. Coal ash contains a toxic brew of substances harmful to human health, including arsenic, chromium, lead and mercury. Coal ash is linked to dangerous health effects such as asthma, kidney disease, heart disease and cancer.
Why is Just Transition Northwest Indian working on this problem:
Indiana has more coal ash waste pits than any other state – a total of 86 sites (active and inactive), the majority of which are unlined and located next to a water source. Almost every coal ash pit is leaching chemicals into groundwater, leaving drinking water near these sites unfit for human consumption. This includes Northern Indiana Public Service Company’s (NIPSCO) coal plants sites in Northwest Indiana.

And to find out more about this important campaign and how you can get involved follow this link

Version one is horizontal and depicts a beach scene with figures of people wading in the water. In the distance are silhouettes of smoke stacks. Birds fly overhead. Text states: “PROTECT LAKE MICHIGAN, SAVE OUR WATER.”
Version two is circular and centers on a large drop of water with the words: “save our water” inside it. Several fish swim around the drop of water, and white birds encircle them. Larger text wraps inside the circle, stating: “PROTECT LAKE MICHIGAN.”
A third version combines both graphics, so that the drop of water hovers above the beach scene and states: “NO TOXIC COAL ASH”. Large block text states: “PROTECT LAKE MICHIGAN.”