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Inspiring Music Series- Thee Headcoatees

April 15, 2014

Thee Headcoatees tackle sexual harassment in their song “Park it Up Your Arse.” The members were Holly Golightly, Kyra LaRubia, Ludella Black and drummer “Bongo” Debbie Green. This song starts with a poppy, mid tempo rhythm and then the direct, spoken word takes us into the world of a woman dealing with an annoying drunkard in a bar. The direct simplicity of the song is what makes it brilliant. When all band members chime in with the chorus we get some comic relief to the tension built by the spoken phrases. The best line is “Oh, Dostoyevsky, that’s a big word for a double turd” which really succinctly gives shape to an experience women have in bars and coffee shops where someone thinks it’s impressive to insert common academic phrases into seduction language.
This song is listenable at this link.

Up In Arms Design Exhibition

Up In Arms Design Exhibition

September 15, 2023

Up in Arms has been curated to align with the annual conference, ‘Publishing Anti-fascism’ convened and organized by Ellen Pilsworth. The exhibition includes material from the collection of twentieth-century posters from…

Bread and Puppet Theater Hiring

Bread and Puppet Theater Hiring

March 9, 2021

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