There’s a bunch of press on
Steve Powers–
ESPO– new sideshow installation, “
Waterboard Thrill Ride”, in Coney Island. It appears that Powers made some robots that simulate waterboarding in a space out on West 12th Street, just off Surf Avenue, in Brooklyn. Before you check it out you can read about it on the
NY Times,
ABC News, and probably a ton off other blogs. The piece will move to the
Park Avenue Armory in September and be a part of
Creative TIme‘s
Democracy in America: The National Campaign events there. Chris Stain will also have a 70′ mural included as well!
In mid-August, Powers will produce a private performance in an undisclosed location in Coney Island, wherein he and several lawyers will volunteer to be waterboarded by a trained professional. “Is waterboarding torture? No, say the administration and the courts. Yes, say human rights activists,” Powers says. “Now actual waterboard riders will reveal, in their own words, exactly what a taste of death by water feels like.” Documentation from the performance will be featured on