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Stay Wild


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I made the stencil version of this print many years ago after traveling down the Pacific Coast of Mexico. I was camping on a beach where sea turtles were laying their eggs. I'd wake up much after they were laid and the biologists had scooped them out of the sand to hatch this endangered species.

I was leaving this particular beach when some locals brought me to a tree and pointed upwards. Chillin' up on a branch was a baby jaguar, the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in person. Everything about this creature was majestic, except for the rope that it had around its neck, securing it to the tree



February 16, 2023

Handmade sign made of different colored tape providing directions away from a residential area to state roads.



August 27, 2022

DO NOT DRIVE ON SIDEWALK. Portland, OR. August 2022. Thanks to Roger Peet for this contribution to the DIYDPW series! DIYDPW is a frequent, irregular blog post highlighting global examples…



July 6, 2022

DEAD END. Walkill, NY. June 2022. Someone installed this in hopes people wouldn’t turn down their short road that has no outlet forcing vehicles to make a u turn in…