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Justseeds: Old School 1

July 11, 2013

All of us in Justseeds have been making art for a long time, some of us for over 30 years. I thought it would be fun to dig up some of the work we were doing 10 or 20 years ago, and feature in on the blog. Ever Wednesday I’ll be posting a piece of old school art by a Justseeds member. Some of it will be brilliant, much of it funny, and hopefully all of it entertaining.

I figure it is only fair to start with myself. The above image is an 8.5″x11″ flyer/poster I created in 1996 to protest the US Presidential election (nothing like choosing an effective target…). I printed hundreds of these and wheat-pasted them up all around Boulder, Colorado, where I lived at the time. I still think it’s a pretty funny reworking of the classic Dum-Dums candy wrapper.

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