Bay Area people: Justseeds will be tabling the Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair this Saturday – March 22nd from 10:00am-6:00pm – at The Crucible (1260 7th St. Oakland – near the West Oakland BART)
Two of us in Justseeds will be presenting on the 4:30-6:00 panel “City-wide Activist Art: Mud Stencils, Light Brigades, Street Signs, and Other Creative Disruptions” with Emory Douglas, Melanie Cervantes, David Solnit, and Nicolas Lampert.
Join us! More info on the panel below.
bios for the 4:30-6:30 panel:
Emory Douglas was the Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party from 1967 to the early 1980s. During the Party’s active years he served as the art director overseeing the design and layout of the Black Panther, the Party’s weekly newspaper. His revolutionary work has been exhibited around the world. Recent projects by Douglas include collaborating on a mural project in Chiapas to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Zapatista Uprising.
Melanie Cervantes is a Xicana graphic artist who creates images that reflect the hopes and dreams of social movements. She and partner/fellow printmaker Jesus Barraza formed Dignidad Rebelde, a collaborative graphic arts project that translates stories of struggle and resistance into artwork that can be put back into the hands of the communities who inspire it. Cervantes is the full-time a Program Officer at the Akonadi Foundation and is also part of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative.
David Solnit is an agit-prop artist, arts and street theater organizer who uses art and culture to tell stories, express ideas and uproot the system. He edited Globalize Liberation; How to uproot the System and Build a Better World. He has worked in collaboration communities and movements including the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, StopWatchingUs.org, Summer Heat Richmond, anti-foreclosure fights and is part of the San Francisco Projection Dept.
Nicolas Lampert is a Milwaukee-based artist and author who works collectively with two groups: the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative – a worker-owned printmaking cooperative of twenty-five artists in North America and ReciproCity – a mobile experimental cultural center that focuses on urban agricultural projects and community activism in Milwaukee and beyond. Lampert has collaborated with TAMMS Year Ten, IVAW, and the Chicago chapter of the Rain Forest Action Network. His first book A People’s Art History of the United States: 250 Years of Activist Art and Artists Working in Social Justice Movements was published by The New Press in 2013.