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Looking for Harriet Tubman CPH Posters!

August 25, 2015

I’m working on a big project to celebrate 100 poster designs printed in the Celebrate People’s History Poster Series over the past eighteen years. I’m working with Booklyn to put together twenty-five sets of these first 100 posters which will be sold to educational institutions across the country for research and display. The money from this will be a head start on printing the next 100 posters!

But I need your help! I’m short a handful of Harriet Tubman posters (designed by Darrell Ann Gane-McCalla), one of the first posters printed. My apartment had a fire in 2001, and I lost a chunk of these.

Does anyone have one I can get back from them? I will be forever indebted! Drop me an email at josh (at)

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