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New CD from Venezuela

July 2, 2009

Just got this package in the mail. Awhile back Kristine Virsis and I had been contacted about having our art used on this benefit CD put out by the anarcopunk label Cabaza De Vaca in Venezuela. They pulled our images from the site and contacted us with a mock up layout which looked great. Months later this lovely package arrived; looks like they screen printed and hand assembled all these. Check out the blog and website for Cabaza De Vaca to get your own copy.



Here’s some info on the CD:
CVR-010 Dissension/Anarcolepsia “Solidaridad” Cd
Bonita edicion en Cd en caja artesanal a serigrafia en 2 colores en total beneficio del Comited de Victimas del Estado Lara. Grabado en vivo por “el coach” directo desde la ONG .


One comment on “New CD from Venezuela”

Hey pete! great!
Thanks allot for the support!
We stole some artwork from other artist we found in zines! no just from justseeds! jajajajaja!
Besos y anarquia amigo!

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