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Online Privacy Tips from Riseup

March 3, 2010

Our friends at just sent out a new newsletter, which contained a short but useful section on online privacy. I’ve reprinted it below:

How to protect your privacy online
Working on this issue is really a social problem, not an individual problem. Asking individuals to spend a lot of time practicing ‘privacy hygiene’ is both impractical and politically dubious. Creating privacy
online, in our opinion, should be done communally by supporting alternatives.
However, there are some things which we recommend that are mostly ‘install and forget’ measures, and don’t require ongoing or tedious maintenance.
If you use Firefox, a web browser we recommend (, you can install various extensions to use when browsing. Firefox is free software, and community
members have written software to add new features, and anybody can download these extensions (see for more information about Firefox extensions.)
Here are some Firefox extensions that we recommend:
* GoogleSharing (
* Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO) (
* Adblock Plus (
You can also do web searches at

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