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Paper Politics gets mention in Providence City Paper

February 25, 2011

Paper Politics got props in the latest issue of the Providence Phoenix (our weekly paper). Greg Cook has constantly given positive and well written articles about printmakers in Providence: his latest is a review of “Printed In Providence” where both Paper Politics and myself are mentioned.
The full article is HERE.

Up In Arms Design Exhibition

Up In Arms Design Exhibition

September 15, 2023

Up in Arms has been curated to align with the annual conference, ‘Publishing Anti-fascism’ convened and organized by Ellen Pilsworth. The exhibition includes material from the collection of twentieth-century posters from…

Bread and Puppet Theater Hiring

Bread and Puppet Theater Hiring

March 9, 2021

Press Director and Print Shop Artisan Position  Bread and Puppet Theater, the world-renowned, 55-year-old politically radical puppetry company, is seeking a B&P Press Director & Print Shop Artisan. The ideal…