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March 29, 2010

I was fortunate enough to have Favianna Rodriguez and Jesus Barraza drop by my house late last Thursday. With very little arm twisting, at 1AM, they convinced me to go to Philly for the Philagrafika and SGC conference.
I am super grateful they did. We woke up the next morning for a whirlwind of events. From vendor tables at the Southern Graphics Council to The Graphic Unconscious at various galleries, and Medium Resistance at the Crane Art Center.

Involving more than 300 artists at more than 80 venues throughout the city, Philagrafika 2010 will be one of the largest art events in the United States and the world’s most important print-related exposition. Prominent museums and cultural institutions across Philadelphia are participating in Philagrafika 2010, offering regional, national and international audiences the opportunity to see contemporary art that references printmaking in dynamic, unexpected ways

I had a blast cruising around town with Jesus and Favianna, two West coast Justseedsers I know a bit better now!
Here’s some other highlights:

The Print Center Art Hazelwood blockprints, Space 1026 tent installation(who produced the video?), Self Help Graphics & Art screenprints (incredible color fades in a skyline print & great lettering) , Bitterkomix covers & lettering, and some other artists I foolishly didn’t write down(like the one pictured here, do you know?)
Thomas Kilpper at the Temple Gallery at Tyler School of Art. Video piece on State of Control about some large scale relief prints made from the floor of the former Ministry of State Security (Stasi). The piece is appropriately about surveillance in totalitarian and “democratic” nation-states. The prints are impressive technically and interesting approach using printmaking to address social conditions. I’m super curious about him and want to research him more. Swoon is also “part” of this exhibit, yet appropriately her pieces are installed outdoor around Philadelphia.
– I got to go to my favorite ice cream spot, Franklin Fountain, with Jesus and Erik Ruin. I had the Coney Island Sundae, the orange marmelade went really well with the Chocolate ice cream and marshmallow!
-At Medium Resistance I found Carl Pope‘s letterpress posters “on point” and technically awesome! The Cut & Paint mud stencil piece ended up being much larger than I expected, and nicely faded. I also got to catch, my buddy, Dennis Mcnett’s viking ship “The Big Takeover!” launching from the parking lot, to terrorize some nearby condo development with fireworks and paper mache axes.
Immediately after, I had to catch the Chinatown bus back to NYC. I had to get back to my Saturday routine. I only caught a glimpse of what is still exhibited in Philly. If you’re unlike me, and make plans ahead of time, head over to Philly soon to catch some quality printmaking!


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