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Post queer project Zine!

January 23, 2008

I found this in the Bulletins on our myspace page…


Hi Friends,
I’m (finally) going to gather up all the postqueer contributions to put together a zine. Since PQP is an open platform, the zine will be, too, so I want to extend some advertising space in the back for fellow glue stick jockeys/paginators/queer zinesters, other queer-based projects, and businesses.
If you have a zine or project and would like to have an ad in the zine, get in touch. Sizes are 2.75″ x 2.75.” You can email them to me ( info at postqueerproject dot com), if they’re saved @ at least 150dpi, as a .jpg, .eps, .tif, or .pdf. Or, of course, mail to PQP / PO Box 22474 / Oakland CA 94609
Free, of course… but even better if you’re willing to trade ad space and/or forward this to all your zine-making friends and cohorts.
Let’s shoot for a January 31 deadline, but contact me as soon as possible.
lex /

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