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Amor y Lucha #5 / Love & Struggle #5


Out of Stock

Out of stock

This fifth issue of my Amor y Lucha 'zine was written primarily between 2020 and 2022.

The first half are poems concerned with what it means to live as a guest on Native land, on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone territories now known as San Francisco. The second half are reflections on pandemic and survival. Para mi querido Jorge Sanchez, en cualquier cielo que te encuentres, con amor. 

Words and pictures by Fernando Martí: stories, poems, and ink sketches, in English and Spanish, 28 pages.

Gratitude for Nail Houses

Gratitude for Nail Houses

November 10, 2022

We think sometimes that cities are defined by their castles and towers, their highways and skyscrapers. But they are also defined by their exceptions: their nail houses and holdouts, scavenged…

They Want our Home

They Want our Home

November 11, 2021

They want our home. Our home. For themselves. They think they have a right to our home simply because they have more money. We are fighting it. The buyers knew…