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Asian Movements Poster Set

Various Artists


The fourteen posters in this pack are representations of struggles in Asia: Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar), India, Japan, the Philippines and Korea. You save $40 when you buy them in this set!

1. Jana Sanskriti by Morgan F.P. Andrews

2. 8.8.88 by Nicolas Ganz

3. Narmada Bachao Andolan by Robin Hewlett

4. Seki Ran Kai by Keisuke Narita & Red Eye

5. Rani of Jhansi by Bishakh Som

6. The Battle of Mactan by Kill Joy

7. Rice Riot 1918 by A3BC

8. The Futeusha by Chris Lee

9. Phoolan Devi by Miriam Klein Stahl & Boff Whalley

10. Disha Ravi by Aretha Pereira

11. ANPO Struggle by Julia Alekseyeva

12. Bangladesh: Down with Autocracy by Blanco

13. Bangladeshi Garments Workers Movement by Nafisa Ferdous

14. Van Mahotsav by Helen Peña





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