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Eidolon Helvum (Straw-colored Fruit Bat)


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Eidolon Helvum, the Straw colored fruit bat, forms the largest mammal migration on the planet, when every year up to ten million of these graceful animals move through an area of East Africa. I encountered them while on an art residency at Nafasi Art Space in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where they fill the skies of the city at dusk.

I love multitudes, and I love to imagine massive numbers of animals like this, all moving together towards their shared goal.

Art to End Fossil Fuels

Art to End Fossil Fuels

September 12, 2023

Justseeds friend David Solnit shared this project and video about a climate justice poster project that is timed with the September climate mobilizations and march planned for New York City…